Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Healthy Eating Day 18 -

Broccoli (from the Italian plural of broccolo, referring to "the flowering top of a cabbage")[3] is a plant of the Kale family Brassicaceae (formerly Cruciferae).

I don't care how good it is for me, it's gross.  Unless covered in yummy cheese.....

damn resolutions.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Princess Scardey Cat

Size does not matter!

Yes, I've not been very good at keeping my resolutions.  Week two into the new year and only three posts! (must do better...) 
In my defense, it was a very busy week, with unexpected but pleasant guests, dinners out, snow storms and breakfast dates.  Anyway, as this is Sunday, the start of a new week, I'm hoping it will be better week three!
So today was a pretty awesome day.  Breakfast / Lunch with great friends and the cutest little man ever!  What is it about baby smiles that can melt the most cynical of hearts.  My afternoon was spent with a brief torture session at the Bay at St. Laurent.  It's never a good idea to go to a mall on the weekend.  There are far too many people there for my level of patience.  And no sale coats left in my size, so I departed empty handed and shamefully aware that I NEED to get back onto any kind of fitness routine.  (sigh)..

Took Keegan to Conroy this afternoon for a cold walk in the woods!  She loved it and had many compliments on her coat!  Her coat is actually nicer than mine.  She hates it but as it was minus 14 out there, she had to wear it.  She is snoring away beside me right now which is a sign of a good Sunday.  The funniest thing happened though on the way home.  We were in the elevator when a lady entered with the tiniest little chihauhau (sp?)  She put the little gaffer down after asking whether or not Keegan was friendly, to which of course I replied 'yes'!  Keegan however was not so enamoured with the little dog and hid behind my legs.  Silly 73lb dog was frightened of a 2 pound fur ball.  I laughed, it was pretty cute.
On other thoughts and random musings, I saw the Kings Speech last week, which I really enjoyed.  Geoffrey Rush is amazing and COlin Firth is good.  I didn't have an emotive connection to the movie which I really wanted though.  I liked it and don't have any complaints, but it just didn't make my heart warm the way I love it to in movies.  I also watched Slumdog Millionaire yesterday for the first time and felt the same way.  Good movie, I just didn't feel it.  So maybe its me?  Am I that apathetic I can't connect to movies?  hmmm...

j out.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

People are People

Today was a pretty good day at work. It was Thursday, which generally is a good day as people know what tomorrow brings... FRIDAY and of course the weekend, which means no work.  Also happy days.  I had a compliment from the big boss today about something I wrote which is good for the old ego, despite being rather awkward as it occured in the bathroom, and the conversation continued between stalls.. So weird.  Still happy about the kudos!  AND, there is a chance, small that I might get an overseas trip, work related of course but still cool.  Finally, the day ended with someone who used to be very mean to me, being very nice to me.. the person must want something.. I often wonder about people's motivation.  The conversation was rather odd, but it was still a good day.  So far, 2011 is not too bad although we shall see what the doctor says this Saturday for the real test.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Today's recap

So, today was back to work.  The end of the 'holiday season' which kind of means, no more slack time at work!  Everyone was back and the merriment of New Year's / Christmas is over. Blah. On the bright side of things, I'm counting down the days until a crazy co-worker flies the coop!  I seriously wonder how some people manage to get themselves dressed everyday.  This one is a nutbar.  Thankfully, January 24 is D-Day.  Good bye crazy ;)

So today's thought, I was thinking while walking Keegan that I ought to volunteer again.  I loved being a Big Sister when I was in London but it's intensive and requires a committment I can't really make.  I only intend to be in Ottawa for about one more year and then moving to ???  So, any thoughts on a good place to volunteer?  Im also limited somewhat by time given my committments to the big blond beast, so preferably a weekend place would be great.  Either way, I feel like I can and should do something for the community and productive with my time.  Im starting to feel like a real time waster.

Other than that, it was a fairly uneventful day.  Need to do some sit ups tonight to get back on my 'pseudo' fitness regime.  I did a good job yesterday, 100 situps!  My abs are actually a bit sore.  Need to get back on that horse!


Monday, January 3, 2011

The First Entry

I decided as part of my new year's resolution (yes, I did make a few) to do something somewhat productive while wasting my spare time online. I just got my new computer after having the last one burgled, so in between Itunes, and Perez Hilton and Tetris, I thought documenting a few random thoughts and ideas, as well as goals might be a good idea.  At least it will make me accountable!

So here we go, I'm not promising a page turner, just some random musings and things I like!

Today was a lovely day.  The last of the 2010 holidays!  (Thank you federal government job). 
The day started with breakfast at J and C's and their baby J.  J made crepes which were lovely and very decadent.  I brought the tea, since they drink herbal stuff which I don't classify as tea! And I got to see baby J, who just turned one interact with the new stuffed doggie (a golden retriever of course!) I gave him for christmas/ birthday! 
It was a nice way to close the holidays.  Back to work tomorrow. 

I have to say, Ill be happy to see the beginning of 2011.  2010 sucked balls.
No polite way to say it really with my apartment getting robbed, lumps and far too many blood tests.  Onwards and upwards!